Cosmic Triage™ 

Brigid’s Aether &
The Psychic Sip™

Tarot is not a “tool of darkness”. It is closely associated with the I Ching, and has roots in the elements of energy, frequency and vibration. Treat yourself to a non-traditional, accurate look at your emotional, mental and spiritual health by booking a session for yourself, a family member or a friend today.  Especially if you’re at a critical point on your path.  

Rev Sarah Nash

spiritual director
Trauma recovery specialist
Empath, woman, mother, wife,
child of god, midwife to your soul

Your world won't become any lighter or better without knowing where to start; helping yourself first is a key element to understanding what your purpose is, and what it means to be of service.
We are here to be happy.
That is the secret. It's just that simple. 

Please continue reading to schedule a session, or contact Rev. Sarah by using the form below.


To create a safe space for people to connect to their higher self, understand their soul plan and work with their ancestors.
Visit the White Light Express for more information about the exponential vision for my ministry.

My Vision 

Integrating psychic tools for a positive focus as I assist people to create stories about themselves and their identities, to help them identify their values and the skills and knowledge to live out these values through insight into their soul plan.

insight, intuition and self discovery

About Cosmic Triage™

As a Spiritual Director, reading the words of Susann von Meijenfeldt paved my way into becoming a certified Trauma Recovery Specialist and highlighted my personal mission statement regarding the creation of safe space for all my clients.  She said, “It’s important for me that I am connected to my own heart as I listen to what the client brings, and as I intervene with whatever methods I will apply. It is also something about holding the space from a deeper place because if I would just be in my mind... I wouldn’t provide a deep space for healing to unfold, I wouldn’t have the same kind of vessel and container for healing to happen.”

The Cosmic Triage™ method is not a substitute for clinical or traditional therapeutic counseling; however, a session with me can enhance your spiritual and intuitive growth as well as accompany your emotional support network during a time of crisis. My goal is to create a safe space for your soul to grow with your being into wholeness.


on being clairvoyant

Psychic Sip™

We don't need to connect via the phone if a full Zoom session won't work for you. Energy, frequency and vibration are the main portals of receiving information from your guides. A three card layout is called a Psychic Sip™ -- it's also a great introduction to working with me.


Tarot&Oracle reading

Premium Psychic Sip™ $75

The Psychic Sip™ with a three card spread in addition to your current Life Path Oracle in Cosmic Triage™
Five cards, two from the Oracle Deck and three from the tarot.  This is an excellent and slightly more detailed version of what you're currently experiencing compared to the Psychic Sip™ and also includes images and an explanation.


Cosmic triage™

The Full Session $150

You're ready for clarity and desire to move forward! These sessions are recorded via Zoom, uploaded to a private server (for your eyes only) to download and review, or just watch.  You will receive a full-color layout image of your tarot and Cosmic Triage™ oracles with a .pdf of the meanings for each image, and for your personal use in the future. These are for you to print out at your own leisure. Sessions are typically 90 minutes.


Clearing the way

The Ancestor Path $99

We arrive into this world with genetic trauma on a psychic level, not just physical. Increasing your awareness of your family constellation whether or not you know your heritage can increase your personal consciousness and assist you with your Soul Plan. As an adoptee, I can attest to this knowledge and the healing that can happen when you address The Bigger Picture. This session incorporates the Ancestral Path Tarot by Julia Cuccia-Watts & Tracey Hoover.



Brigid's Aether Tarot : The Deck

Created during the Winter Solstice of 2021 and inspired by a vision. Completed on Imbolc of 2022, dedicated to the Goddess of the home and hearth fire of Celtic Tradition, and Rev. Sarah's heritage. It reminds us that "fire" is not just a flame we can see with our eyes, it is also electronic and resides in the energy fields around us. View The Full Deck HERE
$60 Includes Shipping to the Continental United States.


Want to Learn How to Read?


Happy Clients


“Two hours with Sarah was the equivalent of two years in therapy. But with more clarity. She nailed my fear, cleared my doubts and then brought my Grandpa in to prove it. He’s been dead for ten years.”


Rev Sarah Nash is the only Tarot card reader I trust and have trusted for the last 12 years.
Sarah’s psychic skills are over the top awesome and she has many decades of experience. I have had many tarot card readings from other readers in my lifetime, and all of them have been inaccurate.  Sarah is the real deal, and she puts all of her heart into her work.
She is very passionate about the work she does to help people.

Kimberly Palm, Best selling author of “Ascension 101”

Questions? Contact Rev. Sarah

6 + 10 =


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